Have your say on the new planning guidance for the Forest of Marston Vale area

Have your say on the new planning guidance for the Forest of Marston Vale area.
The Forest of Marston Vale is one of 12 nationally designated Community Forests, created in the 1990's as part of a program to regenerate degraded landscapes near large urban populations. The primary aim of the community forest is to increase tree canopy cover from 3% to 30% by 2031.
Bedford Borough Council and Central Bedfordshire Council have planning policies in their Local Plans that require 30% tree canopy cover to be delivered through new developments. The Forest of Marston Vale SPD has been prepared, in partnership with the Forest of Marston Vale Trust, to set out how those policies will be implemented and what is expected of developers within this area.
The consultation document will be available to view on the Council's website: https://www.bedford.gov.uk/planning-and-building/planning-policy-its-purpose/forest-of-marston-vale-development-design-guidance/
The consultation will run for six weeks from Wednesday 15th June 2022 to 10am on Thursday 28th July 2022. The Developing in the Forest of Marston Vale SPD covers both Bedford Borough and Central Bedfordshire. This is a joint consultation which is being hosted on the Central Bedfordshire Council online portal.
Copies of the documents will be available to view at the Customer Service Centre and all borough (and Central Bedfordshire) libraries. Copies of the document are also available on request by contacting localplan@centralbdefordshire.gov.uk or by calling 0300 300 8307.
Comments should be submitted using the Central Bedfordshire Council's planning consultation portal at https://centralbedfordshire.oc2.uk/
Alternatively, responses may be sent by email to localplan@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk, or by post to: Local Plans Team, Central Bedfordshire Council, Priory House, Monks Walk, Chicksands, Shefford, Bedfordshire, SG17 5TQ.