Healthwatch Bedford Borough Mental Health Forum

On Thursday 9th September 2021, Healthwatch Bedford Borough in partnership with East London NHS Foundation Trust (ELFT), Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Clinical Commissioning Group (BLMK CCG), MIND BLMK and Bedford Borough Council will host an online Mental Health Forum.
*This event will take place on Zoom and will have full British Sign Language (BSL) interpretation throughout*
Healthwatch Bedford Borough's objective is to bring together the residents of Bedford Borough, mental health service users, commissioners, service providers and voluntary sector partners to understand the new policy framework in which services are being developed (Mental Health Transformation Framework).
Speakers for this event will be as follows:
John wright - Chair, Healthwatch Bedford Borough
Andrew McCulloch - Committee Member, Healthwatch England
Michelle Bradley - Director of Mental Health and Wellbeing, Bedfordshire and Luton Mental Health and Wellbeing Services, ELFT
Caroline Lewis - CEO, MIND BLMK
Dr Roshan Jayalath - GP Governing Body Member and Mental Health Commissioning Clinical Lead, BLMK CCG & ICS
Jane Yeandle - Acting Chief Operating Officer, Mental Health Somerset NHS Foundation Trust
Simran Khinder - Recovery Service Operational Manager, ELFT Recovery College
Sally Wilkin - Service User
Ashok Khandelwal - Director, Healthwatch Bedford Borough
Dave Hodgson - Mayor, Bedford Borough Council
Places will be limited, so those who wish to register their interest for this online forum, need to either email or send an SMS to 07936083362