Honour our Ancestors - International Day of Remembrance

SpectaculArts has always been proud of Bedford and are working hard to highlight and share Bedford's long history of social activism and community action!
SpectaculArts is focused on bringing greater recognition to the unfortunately little known International Day of Remembrance, March 25th. To honour the victims of slavery and the transatlantic slave trade.
The Bedford ceremony will be on Sunday 26th March from 3pm - 5pm at University of Bedfordshire, Polhill Campus with live music from Bedford Gospel Choir, a guest speech from Tre Ventour sharing his family's personal story, a blessing (libation), candle lighting and wreath laying ceremony.
You can find out more and reserve a ticket at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/day-of-remembrance-for-enslaved-victims-of-the-transatlantic-slave-trade-tickets-516544166507