Hydro Power Facility in Bedford Exceeds Expectations

The Hydro Power facility at the Boatslide Weir Bridge on the River Great Ouse in Bedford has exceeded income generation expectations for 2014. When the facility was opened in 2012 the estimated income generation was £32,000.
However, between 01/01/14 and 31/12/14 the Hydro Power facility generated £33,400; demonstrating that turbines are expected to cover all their construction costs, including the refurbishment of the boatslide weir, in less than 15 years.
The Archimedes screw turbines, which generate clean, renewable energy by harnessing the power of the river, have attracted school children, enthusiasts and visitor interest since their installation in 2012. The electricity generated has been used to power the lights along the Embankment River, with the remaining power being sold to the National Grid.
These figures represent the facility's first full year of operation following commissioning. The Hydro Power turbines have turned around a once derelict site in the conservation area whilst also providing clean, green and wildlife-friendly energy.
Lib Dem Mayor of Bedford Borough, Dave Hodgson said: "It is fantastic news that the Hydro Power facility is earning even more money for local taxpayers than was initially projected. The plant makes financial and environmental sense; generating renewable electricity from the natural drop between the upper and lower river levels. The facility will be in place for many years to come, benefitting the environment and saving taxpayers' money year after year."