In Bloom Gongs Recognise Borough's Green and Very Pleasant Lands
Not that we needed telling, as we all know it's true, but it's official: Bedford really is the most beautiful place in the Eastern region! Well, some might argue that winning top prize at the Anglia in Bloom awards does not confirm that there is nowhere as pretty as Bedford, but I think it is, and it is certainly nice that our attractive green spaces and local neighbourhoods have been recognised in this way. As I've always said, we're more concerned with ensuring that our neighbourhoods are attractive places to live and that residents can enjoy and take pride in them than with any prizes, but to have the quality of our green spaces and local environment acknowledged as the very best across the region is a testament to the work of volunteers, Council staff and of course local residents who look after their local area from day to day.
In addition to Bedford's triumph in winning the prestigious overall regional winner award, the large town/small city category and a gold award for the fourth year in a row, local communities in the Borough were presented with a string of other awards:
• Queen's Park (Urban Community) - Silver
• Kempston (Large Town) - Silver
• Turvey (Small Village) - Silver
• Brickhill (Urban Community) - Bronze
• Cauldwell & Kingsbrook (Urban Community) - Silver Gilt and overall category winner
As you can see, it's an impressive list, with particular congratulations due to Cauldwell & Kingsbrook for winning the top prize in the Urban Community Category.
I know the Anglia in Bloom judges were particularly impressed with the level of community involvement on show throughout the borough. These awards are a fitting recognition of all the hard work which takes place behind the scenes to ensure Bedford Borough remains a great place to live, work and visit. Well done again to everyone involved.