Innovative Gritters Map to Help Keep Residents Up-to-Date During Cold Weather Periods

We may be enjoying some unseasonably mild weather just at the moment, but doubtless winter will come back and bite us soon. This year, not only are we doing all we can to ensure we can keep the Borough moving when freezing weather strikes, we are also doing more than ever to keep residents informed and up-to-date about key services through the winter. Perhaps the most innovative way in which we're doing this is via the new interactive map on the Council website showing the exact location of the gritting lorries in real time! The map is available on the Winter Maintenance Updates page, alongside all the other information you might need on school closures, public transport, waste collection and more. Here's the link:
I do recommend you have a look at the easy to use map, and see how it tracks the gritters in real time. It's a great use of the GPS technology which is already fitted to the vehicles, and it opens up the service to residents, helping people people to stay ahead of the game. It's additional to other means of keepin people updated such as the popular 'Gritter Twitter' service which can be found at, while information is of course also available by phone on 01234267422.