Jetpatcher comes to Bedford Borough

Bedford Borough Council has invested in a brand new piece of equipment to help their 'Pot Hole Hit Squads' to repair potholes even quicker and more efficiently than ever before.
The Jetpatcher Road Repair System will fix potholes and road defects quickly, efficiently and in a cost effective way. It is estimated to make repairs in around half the time of other methods, with most repairs complete in under 15 minutes.
The Jetpatcher works by blowing debris and water from the pothole, preparing the hole to prevent further water damage, filling the hole, and finally sealing the repair. This method is not just quicker, but works to deliver a long lasting repair.
Liberal Democrat Mayor Dave Hodgson said "This new Jetpatcher is an additional piece of equipment to help our 'Pot Hole Hit Squads' work even more efficiently and the Council is constantly looking for new and better ways to keep our roads in good repair. I am pleased that this new piece of equipment is out on our roads, helping us to keep the Borough moving."