Join the Fight to Protect Bedford Hospital from Downgrading and Severe Service Cuts

As you have probably heard through the local media, NHS plans threaten key services at Bedford Hospital, which could be downgraded and changed out of all recognition. The NHS's 'Healthier Together' review of hospital services in the South East Midlands area has announced that just two models for services across the five hospitals in the area should go forward for further consideration. Both of them represent drastic cuts in the range of services at two hospitals, with the other three essentially protected.
Those two unlucky hospitals will be severely downgraded, and as one of the two smaller hospitals on the list, our local hospital is extremely vulnerable. The implications would be a reduced A&E role, no trauma unit, no emergency surgery, no complex surgery, no intensive care and no obstetrics for high risk births. Local residents across Bedford Borough value the services at Bedford Hospital extremely highly, and the prospect of losing such services will cause real anxiety.
This would be the end of Bedford Hospital as we know it. We need to send a message that in Bedford Borough we will not stand by and let our hospital be downgraded in this way. Please sign the petition to save Bedford Hospital from these deeply worrying plans: