Join Today and Help Shape the Future of the Liberal Democrats!
You can help influence the future of the Liberal Democrats if you join the party today
At a local and national level, the Liberal Democrats are continuing to champion education, fight for a green recovery, support all key workers and go into battle for those most vulnerable in our society and those in need. And we have a history of being on the right side of the key questions facing the UK. You can find out more here.
Locally, Mayor Dave and your local Liberal Democrats have also been ensuring that those in need are properly supported not just through the Community Hub during the Coronavirus pandemic, but also beyond. And we have continued to fight to protect our vital local health services. (A reminder of the available COVID-related advice and support is available on the Council's website.)
But now is your chance to influence the future of the Liberal Democrats at the national level
Until midnight on the 9th of July, if you join the Liberal Democrats you'll qualify for a vote in the upcoming leadership election.
This leadership election will decide our strategy, our messaging, and ultimately our chances of winning. The leader you choose will shape our movement for years to come. You won't want to miss out.
You can find out more about the leadership election - including the two candidates - on the party's website.
So Join Bedford Borough Liberal Democrats - Here are five reasons to do so.