Key local projects hit as Government raids Bedford and Marston Vale infrastructure funding

The Government has slashed promised infrastructure funding for Bedford and the Marston Vale by nearly half, although the requirement for the area to take an additional 16,000 new homes remains
The Government has raided a fund previously allocated for essential local improvement schemes by almost 50% for 2010/11. The sudden, unilateral cut in funding deals a severe blow to the prospects of vital projects such as the redevelopment of the bus station area and the completion of the western bypass being completed in forthcoming years.
Months are pledging capital funding of £7.8 million in 2010/11 for infrastructure to meet the needs of the growing population of Bedford and the Marston Vale, the Labour Government has unilaterally slashed the promised allocation by 43%. The move represents a cut of £3.4 million in investment in local infrastructure. The requirement for Bedford Borough to take an extra 16,000 homes by 2021 remains, however. The cut has been made to help fund a new pledge by Gordon Brown to spend more on housing.
Commenting, Bedford Borough Liberal Democrat Group Leader Cllr Dave Hodgson said: "The Government has carried out a smash and grab raid on funding for crucial infrastructure in Bedford Borough in order to pay for Gordon Brown's electioneering. The Government expects this Borough to take an extra 16,000 homes over the next 12 years, but has pulled the rug from under key projects that are much-needed for our current population, let alone a fast growing one.'
"Local residents have already been waiting for far too long for essential improvements such as a full western bypass for Bedford and redevelopment of the bus station area of the town centre. At best, this savage spending cut could see these schemes delayed by several more years. The Government appears to think nothing of damaging the economic and social wellbeing of Bedford Borough, so long as Gordon Brown gets some cheap headlines about belatedly tackling a social housing crisis which the Labour Government itself has created. Meanwhile, the price will be paid by local residents in Bedford Borough.'
"I have written to The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, John Denham, demanding that the Government reconsiders this irresponsible, unilateral spending cut."
The Government's raid on Growth Funding for Bedford and the Marston Vale comes in spite of an assurance form the Department for Communities and Local Government in a letter to the Council in December 2008 that changes to the allocation would only be made in "exceptional circumstances." Months later, funding for all designated 'Growth Areas' has been plundered to pay for an announcement by Gordon Brown of a new Government housing programme, Building Britain's Future.