Last Chance to Have Your Say and Back an East West Rail Route that Works for Bedford Borough

In his latest monthly column for the Bedford Independent, Mayor Dave Hodgson has encouraged people to have their say on the route of East West rail between Bedford and Cambridge and set out why he's arguing strongly for a route via Bedford itself rather than one which bypasses the town to the south.
The consultation closes on Monday 11th March at 11:45pm, and in his article Mayor Dave encourages people to go to and take part.
Explaining his support for a route via a Bedford station with increased parking, Mayor Dave writes that this would be "much more accessible for residents of Bedford, Kempston and surrounding villages, and would open up new opportunities for people to both east and west."
He adds that a route via a 'Bedford South' station would threaten the overdue Widams station and would "force visitors to Bedford to have to change trains, making Bedford less convenient and attractive as a destination for visitors and, critically, for employers."
You can read the full piece on the Bedford Indpendent website here