Launch of 'Pints in the Parishes'

I will soon be embarking on a series of 'Pints in the Parishes' events to enable direct, ongoing contact with the Borough's rural residents in an informal setting. I have written to each of the Borough's Parish Councils asking them if they would like to nominate a local pub in their area which would be happy host the event in their parish.
I have already begun a full programme of monthly surgeries both in Bedford and at rural locations. In order to give more local residents the chance to speak to me directly about the issues that matter to them, the Pints in the Parishes initiative will see informal sessions take place on alternate months in local, community pubs. With 45 parishes across the Borough, lots will be drawn for the order in which the events will take place.
The purpose of 'pints in the parishes' is to foster a genuine, direct dialogue with residents in the informal surroundings of their local pub, where they feel comfortable. The British pub has long been a traditional place for discussing the issues of the day and pubs are still at the heart of many communities.
Sadly, some villages have seen cherished pubs closed. This brings into even sharper focus the importance of supporting the British pub as an institution. I hope these evenings help bring people into community pubs and give rural residents a fair chance to bend my ear about issues that concern them.
I have been encouraged by the response received so far, with several Parishes indicating that they are keen for a Pints in the Parishes session to take place in their area, and suggesting pubs whose landlords will be happy to take part.
Pints in the Parishes sessions are open to all residents. Some Parish Councils have indicated that they will advertise sessions on village noticeboards or in parish magazines, while details of all Pints in the Parishes events will be published here at