Lib Dems Oppose Bedford Station Ticket Office Closure
Bedford Borough Liberal Democrats oppose the closure of Bedford Station ticket office and have submitted their response in opposition to the proposal.
In their response Bedford Borough Liberal Democrats point out that Bedford is the start and end of the line on many Thameslink routes. It is also served by East Midlands Trains and the Marston Vale line to Bletchley. A significant number of Bedfordians travel for work or leisure every day as well as visitors to our Borough. Bedford is a major rail hub and has the potential to develop further as a hub as the East West Rail links connect.
Cllr Michael Headley, Spokesperson on Rail said, “Bedford commuters have been badly let down in recent years by cuts to train services, the loss of consistent and good intercity links, and increases in rail fares. Adding to this the proposed closure of the ticket office is just another slap in the face for hard-pressed residents and we urge these proposals to be amended to guarantee ticket office opening hours at Bedford station. 1 in 8 tickets are bought through ticket offices according to the Department for Transport’s own figures. This is not insignificant and these people are being ignored by these proposals.”
Cllr Headley added, “Given the proposed rebuild of Bedford Station as part of East West Rail proposals, the removal of the ticket office now creates a concerning precedent in relation to what the new services will look like in Bedford and this decision should be put on hold until the redeveloped station has been proposed, consulted-upon and confirmed.”
Bedford Borough Liberal Democrats also highlighted the concerns a number of organisations representing those with access needs have raised. Noting that the national charity, Guide Dogs have raised concerns as “many ticket vending machines are simply inaccessible for people with sight loss, and it is often not possible to buy a full range of tickets or apply some discounts via ticketing machines” and station concourse help will not necessarily resolve these challenges and Transport for All have highlighted residents’ concerns in relation to availability of staff, assistance, and facilities, accessibility of ticketing, and safety and security.