Lib Dems Oppose Phone Mast Free For All
Commenting on the Tories' proposal pushing for the removal of the moratorium on the placing of mobile phone masts on Borough Council land, Liberal Democrat Group Leader Michael Headley said:
"The Tories must not be allowed to open up a free-for-all for mobile phone masts on parks and open spaces across Bedford Borough. We know that removing the ban on masts on council land would raise a lot of money, but I believe that moves to make it easier to put up more phone masts are out of step with the wishes of local residents.
There may of course be times when a mast is sited on council land as the least worst option available, but this must be the exception rather than the rule. This is how the council's policy currently operates, and I do not see how opening up land, particularly in residential areas, to be used for the placing of new masts would be an improvement upon it.
The council must always serve the best interests of the Borough's residents as its first priority, but by inviting new mobile phone masts onto our parks and open spaces it would simply not be doing so."