Lib Dems win Backing of Full Council Meeting for Opposition to ID Cards

A full council meeting at Bedford Borough Council last night endorsed the Liberal Democrats' call for the Council to pledge that it will not take part in any pilot schemes for the national ID Card and that local residents will not be required to hold an ID card in order to access council services.
The Lib Dems' motion, proposed by Cllr Tim Hill, was agreed with a large majority, in spite of the abstentions of the Labour Group and a number of Independent Members.
The resolution of Full Council, which follows below, will now be debated by the Council's Executive at its meeting on 16th September.
Text of the resolution:
This Council resolves to request that the Executive:
a) Takes no part in any pilot scheme or feasibility work in relation to the introduction of the national identity cards, based upon current Government proposals for such a scheme, unless specifically required to by law.
b) Makes it a policy of the Council to ensure that neither the ownership of a national identity card, nor an entry on the national identity database, will be required to access Council services or benefits unless this is specifically required by law.
c) Opposes the introduction of national identity cards and will write to the Home Secretary to inform him of the Council policy.
d) Takes no part in the national database unless required to do so by law and protects our residents' data to the best of its ability.