Liberal Democrat Councillors Working With Residents Over CCTV Call

Liberal Democrat Councillors for Kingsbrook Ward in Bedford have pledged to work with concerned residents in the Paradine Road area over their call for CCTV to be used in the area to enhance community safety.
At last month's Full Council meeting at Borough Hall, Paradine Road resident Stephen Kumar Khuttan presented a petition calling for cameras to deter 'further damage' to cars and property. Having met the threshold of over thirty signatures, the petition will be debated at next week's Full Council meeting.
Liberal Democrat Ward Cllr Patrick Solomon has spoken to Mr Khuttan about the issue and has discussed residents' concerns. In addition, following the meeting Cllr Solomon and Ward colleague Cllr Crofts spoke again to Mr Khuttan about problems residents have faced. They pledged to work on finding a solution.
Commenting, Cllr Solomon said: "We are very grateful to the residents in and around Paradine Road for speaking up on this issue, and to Mr Khuttan for presenting the petition at the Full Council meeting.'
"We look forward to debating the issue at the next Full Council meeting, and will keep working with residents to enhance local community safety."