Local Bus Stops To Be Improved- Brickhill

Councillors Ward Fund is being put to good use in Brickhill, as local Lib Dem Cllrs Wendy Rider and Charles Royden put over £5,000 towards the installation of Real Time Passenger Information at bus stops in their ward.
Through the use of GPS technology, Real Time Passenger Information accurately tells passengers when the next bus will arrive and allows people to check on their bus without even having to go outside through the use of a computer, tablet or smartphone.
Cllr Wendy Rider said "I'm glad that we are able to introduce this at two bus stops on Tyne Crescent and Avon Drive, two main roads through the area. It will make bus use more convenient and easier for everyone. We are also looking for suggestions for bus stops in the ward that need improving, following the recent announcement of a £700,000 fund to improve bus stops across the Borough."
Cllr Charles Royden said "Real Time Passenger Information comes on the back of vast improvements to bus services across the Borough. The introduction of evening routes on town services in 2011 provided evening town bus services for the first time in well over a decade. We also improved Sunday services leading to a dramatic increase in usage; after just 12 months more people travelled on a single Sunday than were previously travelling in an entire month on the old Sunday service."