Local Infection Rate in Bedford Borough remains high

Following the announcement from Central Government that lockdown measures are due be eased next month, Bedford Borough Council is urging residents to continue to stay home where possible and continue to follow current social distancing rules.
Rates of infection in Bedford Borough remain higher than anywhere else in the South of England. So the council is asking everyone to continue to follow these measures to reduce the rate of infection.
The Council is working with Public Health England and the Joint Biosecurity Centre in an in-depth investigation of the local situation. This will look at why rates of infection here aren't falling as quickly as other areas, and most importantly, what can be done to bring the rate down and slow the spread of the virus.
Signs advising visitors to the town centre and the Boroughs parks will continue to advise everyone to keep 2 metres apart. While the council is reminding everyone that the best way to reduce the rate is to stay home wherever possible.
Dave Hodgson, Mayor of Bedford Borough, said "As we have said, we know that the rate of infections is high locally. While these rates remain high we're asking everyone to continue to stay home where possible and when you go out make sure you social distance. Continue to keep 2 metres apart, wear a face covering particularly when indoors or on public transport, and regularly wash your hands with soap and water, or using a hand sanitiser when that's not available. These simple measures are things we can all do that are key in helping to slow the spread."