Local leisure facilities update

Fusion Lifestyle and Bedford Borough Council have been following national guidance regarding the safe reopening of leisure facilities within the Borough during COVID-19.
Since mid-May the Council and Fusion have reopened Mowsbury Golf Club, providing a leisure offer for customers in line with public health guidance and guidance around safe outdoor sporting activities.
However, with the infection rate having been higher locally than in other places, indoor leisure facilities will not be opening on 25 July. Indoor facilities are more susceptible to the virus being spread.
We know leisure facilities are really important for health and wellbeing and we are working to open again as soon as they are safe and viable, so we hope that you will bear with us during this time. The safety of residents, staff and visitors to our leisure facilities is our priority and we are working on plans to reopen when it is safe to do so and in line with national guidance regarding the leisure sector.
The Bedford Sport Live website is continuing to deliver free, online sports classes including gentle exercise, yoga, Tai Chi, and a range of chair-based exercises at https://bedfordsportlive.crd.co/. All of the sessions are gentle, informal and you can take part in as much or as little as you wish.
This decision will be kept under review. Gym members are encouraged to keep an eye out for future updates from Fusion Lifestyle.