Local News In Brief
Snippets of news from around Bedford Borough on what your Lib Dem Councillors and Campaigners have been up to recently:
Cllr Phil Merryman has been working with officers to spend ward funds on protecting verges on Manor Road and Abbey Road.
Cllr Tim Hill has been carrying out a residents survey of nearly 240 houses in Elstow on the Abbeyfields Estate.
Cllr Sallyanne Smith and Cllr Michael Headley have met with Council Officers to discuss plans to refurbish the toilets in Mowsbury Park.
Cllr Charles Royden and Cllr Wendy Rider have been checking the street lights in Brickhill now the nights are closing in to make sure they're all working.
Cllr Sylvia Gillard has been campaigning for a new lampost on the path at the side of the Goldington Family Centre.
Cllr Michael Headley and Cllr Sallyanne Smith have seen the resurfacing of Chiltern Avenue and are looking forward to resurfacing soon on Putnoe Heights and Bowhill after campaigning for all three.
Cllr Judith Cunningham has been campaigning for the ANPR vehicle to tackle the dangerously parked cars outside the school on Bedford Road.
Cllr Wendy Rider and Cllr Charles Royden have been in discussion with the PCT about putting health services into the Bird In The Hand pub to help keep it open and provide more services on Brickhill's doorstep. PCT aren't interested so more pressure is needed here.
Cllr Phil Merryman has been dealing with a number of road and pavement safety issues like pot holes in Heathfield, Cotswold Close and Windmill Close, extra salt bin in Thor Drive, dangerous Briars near the Goldington Family Centre and more.
Cllr Tim Hill has highlighted Tory hypocrisy in a letter to the papers when local Tories tried to delay a review of key services in Council meetings and then claimed they wanted the review in the local press!
Cllr Sylvia Gillard is trying to get a SID for Goldington to help target road safety measures where they are really needed.
Cllr Charles Royden and Cllr Wendy Rider have been listening to residents in Hawk Drive and are now helping to get protection (bollards) for the verges there.
Cllr Michael Headley and Cllr Sallyanne Smith have attended the Community Safety Forum to report back on issues they have been dealing with from local residents.
Most Councillors will have surgeries in their area and all take turns to attend surgeries at the Central Library.