Local Plan 2032- Still Time to Have Your Say!
A number of Local Plan drop in sessions held across the borough have generated considerable interest on how Bedford Borough should grow. However, if you haven't had your say, there is still time!
The Local Plan will set out how the borough will grow and develop up to 2032 by clearly defining where growth and development is sustainable. When managed carefully, growth delivers new housing, jobs and investment and improves the borough for current residents, future residents, businesses and visitors.
Council officers have held a series of drop in sessions across the borough and spoken to residents, developers, businesses and parish councils and invited them to have their say on the consultation.
The sessions have now finished but the consultation continues until 24th February 2014 and there is still time to have your say on how the borough should between now and 2032.
Lib Dem Councillor Sarah Jayne Holland, Portfolio Holder for Community and Regulatory Services, said: "The Local Plan is an extremely important document for the future of Bedford Borough and we must gather as many views and opinions as possible.
"I would like to thank those who took the time to come and speak to us, or have already responded to the consultation. Your views will help us to put together the Local Plan 2032 which will help to shape our borough in the years to come."
More detail about the consultation and how you can respond are available on the Council's website www.bedford.gov.uk/localplan2032 or by contacting the Planning Policy Team on 01234 718070.