Local Plan 2040

Mayor Dave Hodgson has recorded a video about the Local Plan 2040 consultation, you can see it here.
In March the government increased the number of homes that we have to plan for in Bedford Borough by 40% to 1,355 a year, ever year to 2040.
The April meeting of the Executive considered the latest version of the Local Plan which looked at where growth and development will take place in Bedford Borough in future years from homes and jobs to schools and infrastructure.
The Local Plan strategy focuses on new development first in the urban areas, including suitable previously developed brownfield sites.
The Plan then focuses on growth based around rail, taking advantage of the opportunities to enable people to live and travel sustainably.
The Local Plan also updates planning policies and these include those to do with climate change, environmental quality, the town centre, affordable housing and self and custom build homes.
Our updated Local Plan must be submitted to the government for their approval by January 2023 and there'll be another round of consultation on the Local Plan this summer and I urge all residents to have their say.
You can find out more about the Local Plan at www.bedford.gov.uk/planning-and-building/planning-policy-its-purpose/local-plan-review/www.bedford.gov.uk/.
Please do have your say.