Longholme Lake boat hire relaunch

The Longholme café on The Embankment celebrated it's 5th birthday with a brand new fleet of dragon style rowing boats.
The new fleet manufactured in replication by casting from the old boats have been lovingly hand crafted by a local fibre glass specialist team 'Tech 10 'based in Wilstead, Bedford. The new fleet has been in the planning since 2019 but with the previous seasons being disrupted by Covid-19 restrictions the project was delayed.
On a recent visit the Mayor of Bedford Dave Hodgson officiated the new fleet by cutting the ribbon and taking the first boat for a pleasant row. Mayor Dave said "It is great to see the boats back, they look fantastic. Everyone will want to bring the next generations to enjoy them, I just need to improve my rowing. What a great place to have some exercise and then come and have some great food at The Longholme"
Thomas Healey, co owner of The Longholme said "The new addition to our services are welcome and exciting after so many disruptions. It was important to us to preserve the history of boat hire in this location, using a style of boat that we believe is iconic to the area, the dragons! We're happy we have managed to achieve this goal both in time for the upcoming Bedford River Festival and next summers 100 year anniversary of Longholme boating lake. We continue to work in partnership with Bedford Council to achieve a quality experience that's available to anyone, and that includes working towards maintaining the lakes water quality when resources allow."
Boats are available on a walk in basis with prices for up to 4 people starting at £20 every weekend from 10am-5pm and during extended opening every day for school holidays from 10am-3pm..
There is more information and details at www.thelongholme.com