Make Sure You’re Registered to Vote!

In order to vote in the General Election on Thursday 12 December 2019, you must be on the electoral register. If you are not already registered to vote, make sure you do it by Tuesday 26 November 2019.
The importance of registering to vote and having your say is the topic of Mayor Dave Hodgson's latest column for the Bedford Independent, in which he writes:
"Please make sure you have your voice heard and ensure you are registered to vote.'
"It just takes five minutes to register and you have until midnight on 26 November to sign up. You can register at"
With winter conditions for everyone to contend with for this uncommon December election, Mayor Dave adds:
"Whilst we cannot be sure of the weather, we certainly know it will be dark early in the evening. I am urging local residents to apply for a postal vote.'
"The deadline to register for a postal vote is also 26 November, but at 5pm. You can download a form to fill in at or at"
You can read Mayor Dave's column in full on the Bedford Independent website here.