Making the Case for Investment in the Borough's Schools
It was a very constructive meeting with Michael Gove this morning. Clearly we didn't expect to get any answers on how much capital funding will be forthcoming for schools in the Borough this morning, but we were very glad of the opportunity to make the case for investment in our schools. We discussed the context of the cancelled Building Schools for the Future programme and what that has meant in Bedford Borough, the specific case of the Bedford Academy (which will be replacing John Bunyan Upper School from September) and its plans, the current accommodation for our special schools and the wider issues around education in the Borough.
I was very pleased with the way that the MPs from Bedford and Kempston and North East Beds, the sponsors of the Bedford Academy (Bedford College and the Harpur Trust) and those of us from the Council came together to lobby for investment in our schools, and we will continue to do so.