Mayor Addresses Meeting of Local Health Partners as Bedford Health and Wellbeing Fair Takes Place

The Bedford Health and Wellbeing Fair is taking place today, at Bedford Corn Exchange through until 4:30pm, and Mayor Dave Hodgson addressed a partnership session prior which took place beforehand. In addition to welcoming guests and setting out the importance of partnership working in health, he introduced the very distinguished guest Professor Mayur Lakhani, the President of the Royal College of General Practitioners.
Commenting on Facebook, Mayor Dave said: "The Bedford Health and Wellbeing Fair is underway at Bedford Corn Exchange. It continues until 4:30pm and is free to attend and open to all.
I was pleased to address a partnership session beforehand this morning - thanks to all for coming and sharing good practice and expertise in improving health outcomes in our community.
There are lots of organisations and groups at the Fair to talk to and lots to see and do, so do pop in if you're in or around town!"
The Bedford Health and Wellbeing Fair is free to attend and features personal and confidential health & wellbeing advice, free refreshments, exhibition stalls and much more.