Mayor Congratulates Students Following GCSE Results Day

Mayor Dave Hodgson has congratulated Bedford Borough students who received their GCSE results on Thursday.
The initial GCSE results figures from local schools show an improvement overall both in terms of students' attainment and the progress made by students.
Commenting, Mayor Dave Hodgson said: "My congratulations to all students receiving their GCSEs on their hard work. Congratulations are also due to all of the parents and carers, and teachers and school staff who all contribute in immeasurable ways in supporting students and giving them the opportunity to do their very best. Good luck and very best wishes to all students across the borough on their next steps."
The figures show that Bedford Borough students have, overall, made more progress than their peers across other parts of the country, and have made a greater improvement than would be expected for students with similar 'prior attainment'.
The rise in performance is based on the new Government's benchmark measures for attainment ('Attainment 8') and progress ('Progress 8').