Mayor Dave Announces Congestion-Busting Prebend Street Relief Road Plan

Mayor Dave Hodgson has announced his plan for a major congestion busting scheme in central Bedford. The Prebend Street Relief Road will divert vehicles away from one of the town's most notorious traffic and air quality hotspots, easing congestion for road users and improving quality of life for local residents.
Bedford Borough Council has been working up plans in consultation with Homes England, and has now submitted a bid for £15m to the government's Homes Infrastructure Fund for construction of the road. The road will link Prebend Street from Commerical Road West with Ashburnham Road, passing under the Ford End Road Bridge arches.
All traffic travelling north to south (and vice versa) will therefore avoid the 5-way roundabout at the junction of Midland Road, Prebend Street and Midland Road, reducing the queues experienced by motorists on each of the approaches.
Mayor Dave Hodgson has made tackling congestion a clear priority in order to improve air quality, boost the local economy and improve road users' day-to-day experience. The congestion-busting Prebend Street Relief Road plans are in addition to the £18m Transporting Bedford 2020 project.
This biggest-ever investment in Bedford's roads is underway, and involves works to improve traffic flow at hotspots across Bedford such as Cow Bridge, Manton Lane and Shakespeare Road/Bromham Road.
Commenting, Mayor Dave Hodgson said: "The Prebend Street Relief Road will be a key measure in cutting congestion. The relief road will improve the day-to-day experience of those who travel through Bedford and reduce the burden on the 5-way roundabout with Midland Road and Ford End Road.'
"It will also bring benefits for Prebend Street and Midland Road with reduced traffic and improved air quality for local residents.'
"We have a record of delivering major projects successfully, such as the final section of the Western Bypass, and this should count in our favour as we work to put the funds together for this project."