Mayor Dave Confirms: No Parkrun Charge for Bedford

Mayor Dave Hodgson has ruled out any prospect of Bedford Borough Council imposing a charge for the use of Bedford Park for the popular Bedford parkrun event, following a recent decision by another Council to introduce charges for its local Parkrun.
Bedford parkrun is a volunteer-run, free event which sees hundreds of people come together in Bedford Park every Saturday morning for a timed five kilometre run.
Bedford parkrun is one of hundreds of Parkrun events across the country which have become extremely popular as a free event which welcomes people of any ability and fitness.
News emerged last week of a council in Gloucestershire which is imposing a charge upon its local Parkrun for use of the park. Having been approached by Bedford parkrun's Event Director for reassurance about the situation in Bedford, Mayor Dave has confirmed that there are no plans whatsoever for Bedford to follow suit.
Commenting, Mayor Dave said: "Bedford parkrun brings numerous community benefits, including supporting health and wellbeing and encouraging people to enjoy their park. It is entirely volunteer-run and is a real community event enjoyed by large numbers of people. We therefore have no intention at all of imposing a charge, and hope that Bedford parkrun continues to be successful in helping people to stay fit and well while enjoying beautiful Bedford Park."