Mayor Dave Hails Level of Public Involvement at Bedford Borough Council Meeting

Mayor Dave Hodgson has described last night's Full Council meeting at Bedford Borough Council, which saw members of the public introducing 6 different petitions for debate and many more in attendance, as "as it should be - an open council with local residents able to take active part."
Bedford Borough Council operates a petition scheme which has a very low threshold of just 30 signatures required for a petition to be subject to debate at the next Full Council meeting. The intention is to encourage more issues debated at the instigation of residents and more public involvement in Full Council meetings.
Commenting on his Facebook page after last night's meeting, Mayor Dave Hodson said:
"Tonight's Bedford Borough Council Full Council meeting saw 26 members of the public of all ages in attendance, debating 6 different public petitions submitted to the Council on issues ranging from recycling & litter to healthcare to road safety and more.'
"Great to see, and this is as it should be - an open council with local residents able to take active part.'
"So a big thanks to everyone who did so tonight, especially to the three Holywell schoolchildren who spoke so well and so powerfully about road safety."