Mayor Dave – Hitting the Ground Running

In his latest regular email, Mayor Dave Hodgson has once again thanked all those who supported him in the recent mayoral election, and given an update on the first week of the new term, including talks with representatives of all Council groups to "establish and consolidate good working relationships."
You can sign up to receive Mayor Dave's regular emails here, and in the meantime read the full text of his latest update, sent to subscribers last Friday, below:
Hitting the Ground Running
A week on from the mayoral and local elections, I want to thank everyone once again for their support and for the many kind words of congratulations.
The election period was a busy time, but with major challenges ahead there is no time to waste in tackling them.
I have been holding discussions with representatives and individuals from each council group through this week to help establish and consolidate good working relationships.
The first announcement of my new term was the establishment of a new Climate Change Cabinet committee, with involvement from all parties.
I made clear through the campaign that if re-elected, I would continue to make protecting our local and wider environment a priority. Having already halved the Council's carbon emissions and committed to head for zero carbon status by 2030, this body is intended to help us to maintain and accelerate our progress on this critical issue. You can read more here.
Talks on the formation of my new Executive are progressing well, and I hope to make an announcement on this in the early part of next week.
One thing I can confirm now is that it will be formed on the basis of hitting the ground running in tackling the challenges we face and in getting the best for all of our communities.
Best wishes,
P.S My first engagement following my re-election was to help start the Laps for Lulu fancy dress fun run at Great Denham Country Park last Saturday. You can find out more about Lulu's story and how you can support this incredibly important cause on the fundraising page here: