Mayor Dave Hodgson launches Skills Led Recovery Plan

Mayor Dave Hodgson has launched a new Skills Led Recovery Plan to ensure that residents have the skills and opportunities needed for Bedford Borough to build back better following the COVID pandemic. The plan will enable Bedford's future economy to be resilient and people-focussed. It will be ready to face economic shocks and will respond to changes in economic needs, ensuring success for residents and local businesses. The plan will be underpinned by Bedford Core Delivery Partnership which will coordinate skills and employment activity, and identify new trends so that training is relevant to local need.
Mayor Dave Hodgson said "This plan is our proposal to deal with the most obvious economic impact of the pandemic: unemployment, and the lost opportunities for people of all ages to grow their skills and talents, be that as an employee or a business owner. Our recovery must be focussed on closing the skills gap and providing residents with the opportunities to grow themselves and their businesses."
In the plan the following four priority areas have been identified: young people (16-24), retraining & improved employment for Adults (25-49), entrepreneurship & self-employment and future skills. The young people priority will focus on encouraging local apprenticeships and work placements, and promoting careers education in schools. The plan will provide opportunities for 25-49 year olds by supporting job creation through Sector-based Work Academy Programmes (SWAPs) and providing local employability support. The Council will also facilitate support for local start-ups through knowledge exchange and enhancing local inward investment. The plan will prepare Bedford Borough for the future by focussing on skills that will be most valuable in a future, more sustainable economy. This part of the plan will look to work closely with Bedford Green Energy Park to promote growth sector training.
Mayor Dave continued "It is essential that we not only ensure our pandemic recovery is one that prioritises skills growth and business opportunities, but that we also create an environment where people are equipped with the skills they need to succeed in the future. We want to create a thriving and more sustainable economy where we have prosperity for all."
You can read the plan here: Skills Led Recovery Plan (pdf)