Mayor Dave Hodgson launches the 2021 Christmas Card Competition

Bedford Borough Mayor Dave Hodgson has written to all primary schools in the Borough and to PLACE (Parent-led and community based education) inviting pupils to help design the 2021 Christmas card.
This year's theme is 'Kindness'.
Mayor Dave said "Last year we had lots of fantastic pictures from children across the Borough and I enjoyed seeing them all, choosing a winner was particularly hard. I look forward to seeing this year's entries."
Entries should be on an A4 piece of paper created using paint, crayons or felt-tip pens. Drawings that contain bright colours will make especially good designs.
When the children have finished their drawings, please write the following details on the back of each picture: name, age, class and school name. Home-schooled children are also welcome to join in and put 'home-schooled' instead of the class and school name.
The closing date to receive the entries is Friday 12th November 2021.
Please send entries to Mayor Dave Hodgson, Bedford Borough Council, Cauldwell Street, Bedford, MK42 9AP.