Mayor Dave Hodgson on BBC Radio 1's 'Mayor of Where' Feature - Catch it While You Can!

Last Thursday, Mayor Dave Hodgson was BBC Radio 1's 'Mayor of Where', a feature on the station's drivetime show, presented by Greg James. The format of the feature sees a Mayor quizzed by newsreader Chris Smith in an attempt to identify the town, city or Borough led by the Mayor. Mayor Dave was invited by the BBC to take part on the day, and the live interview saw Dave answering a variety of questions including famous sons and daughters of the area and any foods for which it is welll known. As you would expect, the Bedfordshire clanger was discussed!
Each episode of the show remains available to hear via the BBC website for a week after the broadcast, so if you missed it you can catch it here until around 4pm on Thursday 27th March (skip to around 17 minutes in for the start of the Mayor of Where segment):