Mayor Dave Hodgson visits New Earth Solutions recycling facility

Mayor Dave Hodgson and Councillor Charles Royden, Portfolio Holder for Environment, visited the Mid UK Recycling material recycling facility in February.
Both were keen to see first-hand how materials from Bedford Borough were being sorted and recycled. Bedford Bedford Borough Council sends over 10,000 tonnes of recycling, collected from orange wheelie bins, to the plant each year.
Mayor Dave Hodgson, said "This site provides a range of solutions for managing our recycling streams and increases the amount of material that can be reused. When our residents separate their waste and place the correct items in their orange-lidded bins, they can be reassured that it is going to a facility that can get the best from it. We will continue to explore the most sustainable options for waste and recycling created within Bedford Borough."
The business uses market leading technology and equipment to recycle plastics on the site. It became fully operational in 2021 following a multi-million pound development. This facility has the capacity to process 150,000 tonnes of dry mixed recyclable items each year. Materials recycled include newspaper, card, plastic bottles, food and drink cans/ tins and cereal boxes. As long as the waste has not been contaminated by other waste, such as food waste, the automated and hand picking processes enable materials to be separated and recycled. These materials can then be used to manufacture new products.
Residents can check what to put in their different colour bins and find further recycling information at