Mayor Dave’s Positive Message at Final Mayoral Hustings

Mayor Dave Hodgson set out his positive pitch for re-election at the final mayoral election hustings, which took place on Thursday evening at Bedford Blues' Goldington Road ground.
The debate was produced by The Bedford Independent and BBC Three Counties Radio, who broadcast the event live on debate Chair Roberto Perrone's drivetime show.
With all candidates invited to make their case in a short opening message, Mayor Dave said: "Across the country the story for local government in the last ten years has been of widespread cuts and closures. But not in Bedford Borough.'
"I've fought successfully to save services lost elsewhere. We've saved all libraries, children's centres and leisure centres. And I've kept council tax down.'
"Compare that to what's happened elsewhere. You only have to look literally next door at Northamptonshire and its financial collapse."
He also added: "I've shown I'll work with those of all parties and of none to get the best for Bedford Borough.'
"That's my record as Mayor, and I'm fighting a positive campaign on that record and a promise of more."
In a wide-ranging debate covering topics from town centre regeneration, policing & crime, housing and more, Mayor Dave set out his record of standing up for Bedford Borough and getting the best for our communities in tough times.
The debate was live-streamed by the Bedford Independent, and you can watch it in full on its Facebook page here.