Mayor Dave Welcomes Local Enterprise Partnerships Merger

Mayor Dave Hodgson has welcomed the merger of the South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership (SEMLEP) and Northamptonshire Enterprise Partnership (NEP), which recently received approval from Government.
SEMLEP is a public private partnership set up to drive growth across the South East Midlands, featuring representation from business and local government leaders. Mayor Dave is a SEMLEP board member, and has said that the merger is the right move in order to remove any confusion and possible duplication.
Commenting, Mayor Dave said: "Merging the two LEPs will create a stronger body which is well placed to help drive the economic growth and investment we all have a shared interest in. It removes any confusion and potential duplication across the areas. It also sends a message to business that this is the body with the overarching commitment to working for the strategic infrastructure and skills development that we all want to see across the South East Midlands area."
The two LEPs are now engaged in making sure that the transition to a single integrated LEP by the end of March 2017, which will serve the South East Midlands, including the whole of Northamptonshire, goes smoothly. In operational terms, the single LEP will be operating as of 3rd October 2016, with SEMLEP's Chief Executive Stephen Catchpole the Chief Executive designate from that date.