Mayor Dave Writes: A Big Summer of Events Ahead

Bedford's Big High Street Showcase is back today, Saturday 2nd June, and in his May column for the Bedford Bulletin Mayor Dave Hodgson wrote about this free family event and the array of others to come during a big summer of events ahead for Bedford Borough.
Here's the full text of the piece:
Whisper it quietly, but as I write this the sun is out and the forecast is improving after a rain-sodden few weeks. Naturally, thoughts begin to turn to the summer ahead, and across Bedford Borough there are a number of exciting events you may want to mark in your diary.
This year we mark the 40th anniversary of the Bedford River Festival, on 14th and 15th July, and it's shaping up to be the biggest and best one yet. What marks the River Festival out as a truly unique occasion is the breadth of involvement from people right across the community. You can find out about remaining opportunities for individuals, groups and businesses to get involved at
Before that, we are again closing Bedford High Street to traffic for a day for Bedford's Big High Street Showcase, on Saturday 2nd June. This will showcase the best of Bedford and local businesses, along with live music and dance, children's activities and much more.
The following weekend, on 9th and 10th June, sees another free family event for all to enjoy, as the International Kite Festival returns.
We're pleased to be maintaining free events like these in spite of council funding pressures which have seen similar events scrapped elsewhere. But Bedford Borough's summer of events is about much more than just those run by the council, with fantastic volunteer-led events approaching such as Bedford Film Festival, Taste Bedford, Bedfringe and much more.
Meanwhile, on weekends throughout the summer you will find wonderful fetes and fairs in villages across Bedford Borough. These are the product of the hard work of volunteers and of their passion for their community - and for putting on a good time for all!
I strongly urge you to look up what's on and enjoy local events happening this summer. Whatever the weather!
Dave Hodgson