Mayor Dave Writes: A Special Birthday in 2016

In his latest message to subscribers to his email updates, sent out on New Year's Eve, Mayor Dave Hodgson has wished everyone a Happy New Year, and looked ahead to a year of events and activities to help mark the 850th anniversary of the granting of Bedford's Royal Charter in 1166. A special logo has been produced for the anniversary, which will be available for groups and organisations to use and promote through the year, and which you can see here alongside this story.
If you're not on Mayor Dave's email list, a copy of the message follows below, and if you don't want to miss out on news and updates direct from Mayor Dave, you can sign up to receive future emails here:
A Special Birthday in 2016
I hope you and your family have had a good Christmas and are looking forward to the New Year.
Looking back over the 12 months just gone, in May I was hugely grateful and deeply honoured to be elected for a third time as Mayor of Bedford Borough. This year saw the opening of the new Bedford Bus Station, after decades of decay and dashed hopes for regeneration of the dilapidated old facility. It's also been a year of further savage government cuts to the Council's funding, with confirmation that more are to come.
However, looking ahead to 2016, there really is a lot to look forward to, not least the opening of the crucial final section of the western bypass in the spring. This will generate new growth and investment for the borough and of course will help all road users to get into and around Bedford.
2016 is also an anniversary year for Bedford, 850 years on from the granting of the Royal Charter in 1166. Listen out for news of events and activities which will take place to help mark this important milestone.
The 850th anniversary will certainly be a theme of the River Festival, which is always a highlight and which will take place in July.
More information about the 850th anniversary, plus the first details of events to mark it are available on the Council's website here:
Whatever you're looking forward to in the new year, I hope it is a happy and prosperous one for you.
Best wishes