Mayor Dave Writes - Proud of Bedford Borough's History

Mayor Dave Hodgson's latest column for the Bedford Independent was on the topic of Bedford Borough's 'fascinating and illustrious' history. In the piece, Mayor Dave reflects on recent visits he has hosted in the historic Mayor's Parlour, including from the Maldives' UK Ambassador, and he invites anyone involved with a local group which might enjoy a visit to get in touch, because the Parlour and its contents 'belong to all of us'.
Mayor Dave wrote: "From the burial of King Offa in 798 to the Royal Charter signed by Henry II in 1166 to Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress in the 17th Century to countless other events besides, Bedford has a truly fascinating story to tell. That history needs to be promoted, shared and enjoyed as far as possible."
Looking ahead, he highlighted how Bedford's history will form a key part of the Bedford River Festival next year, adding: "Celebrating Bedford's history is always an important part of the River Festival too, and the countdown is now well and truly on with less than a year until 2020's event. Amongst its many attractions to look forward to is another opportunity to look back, and to share and promote Bedford's unique, illustrious history."
You can read the full piece on the Bedford Independent, here.