Mayor launches All Age Skills Plan

Bedford Borough Mayor Dave Hodgson, this week launched the All Age Skills Plan.
The Plan identifies keys areas of activity allowing Bedford Borough and its partners to invest in the right skill sets for the future and will ensure no-one is left behind as Bedford's economy changes.
Mayor Dave said "Bedford Borough already has an above average rate of employment and a skilled workforce. However, there are skills shortages and the All Age Skills Plan will ensure that our workers have the necessary skills and qualifications to allow them to benefit from the jobs and opportunities created by business growth and inward investment."
The plan recognises the changes to the economy that will require the Borough's residents to develop and add to their skills. These changes include Brexit, the move to automation and the increased use of artificial Intelligence as well as the development of the Oxford to Cambridge Arc and the need to have the right level of skills to benefit from Bedford's position in this Arc.