Mayor's Cabinet Supports Proposed Council Budget Which Saves Services, Freezes Council Tax and Invests in Borough's Future

Bedford Borough Council's proposed 2014/15 budget saves key frontline services, freezes Council Tax and protects the most vulnerable, while delivering exciting investment in the Borough's future.
The Budget plans were approved by the Mayor's Cabinet this week, and will now go forward to Full Council next month.
The draft budget includes £13.8m of required savings in the face of unprecedented Government cuts and rising demand.
Once again, the budget freezes average Council Tax for households across the borough as well as directing savings away from front line services and supporting the most vulnerable people in the borough.
The budget also looks to the future and ensures Bedford can continue to thrive and buck the national economic trend by delivering major investment in Bedford town centre, including the bus station regeneration scheme, and the Mayor's Free Parking Deal. Works on the bus station itself begin on Monday.
Commenting, Mayor Dave Hodgson said: "This draft budget reflects our ongoing efforts to save services and support vulnerable people, while keeping council tax down for hard-pressed local households.
"We have targeted savings in Borough Hall, not out in the community, allowing us to propose another Council tax freeze while also investing in the future and breathing new life into the heart of Bedford. This includes the bus station regeneration project and more support for a revitalised town centre."
Cllr Michael Headley, Liberal Democrat Portfolio Holder for Finance, added: "We are continuing to protect front line services in the face of extraordinary funding pressures. There have been no closures of libraries, leisure centres, children's centres and we have maintained weekly bin collections, school crossing patrols and a strong rural bus network.
"We are also ensuring we can continue to invest and improve the borough, including major investment in new school buildings as
well as key infrastructure such as the missing link of the Bedford Western Bypass."
The largest saving is within workforce (£2.8m) which includes a reduced senior management structure. There is also a £2m saving achieved by pushing down inflationary costs on many budget areas.
The Highlights of the Council's draft 2014/15 budget include the following:
Freezing council tax - 4th year running
Protecting services:
Leisure centres and swimming pools saved
All Children's Centres protected
No Library closures
Rural buses and evening urban and Sunday networks
Weekly bin collections maintained
Investing for the Future
Bunyan Centre saved and revamped
£5million to repair and maintain our roads and pavements
Substantial investment in our new and improved school buildings
Funding for missing link of the Bedford Western Bypass
Breathing Life into the Heart of Bedford
Mayor's Free Parking Deal offering 2 hours free parking every Saturday in Council-owned town centre car parks
New Bus Station
Town Centre Car Park charges frozen for the 4th year running
Protecting the most vulnerable
New Fostering fees and allowances, for those looking after children on behalf of us all
Increased funding for support for Looked after Children
More help for older people to support their quality of life outside of hospital, through the Better Care Fund
Paying the living wage to our staff