Mayor's Exam Congratulations for Bedford Borough Students

Mayor Dave Hodgson has congratulated students in Bedford Borough following the publication of GCSE and A Level results.
This was the first full year of reformed GCSE qualifications, with changes in testing and a new grading system for English, English Literature and Maths using numbers from from the highest grade 9 to the lowest grade 1.
The headline figures for Bedford Borough are as follows:
· 62.24% of Bedford Borough students reaching the required standard in English and mathematics at Grade 4 and above (standard pass).
· 37.87% of Bedford Borough students reaching the required standard in English and mathematics at Grade 5 and above (strong pass).
· Average Attainment 8 Score was 46.04 across Bedford Borough (Attainment 8 is the average score obtained by a student for their best 8 GCSE results).
Meanwhile, at A Level, the provisional figures show that 78% of students in Bedford Borough achieved 3 or more A*-E grades at A-level.
These results were awarded at a time of significant reform to A-Level and AS qualifications too, and this was the first year of award for the reformed A-levels.
Commenting, Mayor Dave Hodgson said: "Well done to all students for their hard work in achieving their results. Congratulations also to teachers, school staff and whole school communities for all their work on behalf of students, especially at this time of major change for qualifications."