Mayor's Exam Congratulations for Students

Mayor Dave Hodgson has congratulated students across Bedford Borough on exam successes after yesterday's GCSE results day, following on from A-Level results day last week.
In an email to subscribers to his regular email updates, Mayor Dave writes: "GCSE Results Day yesterday was naturally a big day for students and hardworking teachers across Bedford Borough, plus of course anxious parents!
Yesterday's GCSEs saw a 3% rise in the proportion of students receiving a strong pass (Grade 5 or above), while the A-levels saw a 4% rise in the number of students achieving 3 or more passes. Congratulations to all!"
He also goes on to wish everyone heading 'back to school' in the next couple of weeks a good year ahead, writing: "I'm grateful for all that schools and school staff do on behalf of the Borough's children and young people, and I wish them and their students an enjoyable and successful new school year."
Commenting yesterday following the publication of GCSE Results, Liberal Democrat Cllr Henry Vann, Portfolio Holder for Education said: "It is great to see an increase of 3% in the number of students achieving a Grade 5 and above in English and Maths. A huge well done to every young person - and all their teachers - who worked so hard to achieve these results. Thank you as well to all the Governors, senior leaders and whole school communities who play such an important role in the educational life of our Borough."
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