Mayor's Village Tour to Conclude Tonight with Street Surgeries Tonight at Stevington, Pavenham and Oakley

Mayor Dave Hodgson's annual Village Tour is to conclude tonight with open street surgeries at Stevington, Pavenham and then Oakley with half-hour sessions beginning at 5.30, 6.15 and then 7pm respectively. Oakley is the 61st and final village on the Mayor's Village Tour 2015, which has seen over two hundred people speak to Mayor Dave directly in their village, discussing a range of local and wider issues.
In a series of messages on Twitter, including a photo of some special visitors to the street surgery in Clapham, Mayor Dave thanked all those who have come out to see him so far:
"Tonight my annual Village Tour comes to close with street surgeries at Stevington (5.30-6), Pavenham (6.15-6.45) and then Oakley (7-7.30), the 61st and last village on the schedule this year. Many thanks to everyone who has come out to see me and talk about the issues that matter to them and their community, including not only well over 200 adults but also a dozen or so children, half a dozen dogs, two horses and... two ferrets! Here they are with their owner David Ancillotti, who came to have a chat in Clapham"
You can find Mayor Dave's twitter profile, including the above-mentioned ferret photo, at