Men’s Health Week 2020 – Take Action on Covid-19

This week is Mental Health Week 2020, and the theme this year is 'Take Action on Covid-19'. With figures showing that men are more likely to die from Covid-19, it is critical that men get the message loud and clear about how to help keep themselves safe through this difficult period.
That includes following the latest guidance for everyone, including staying at home as much as possible, keeping your distance if you do have to go out (2 metres apart) and washing your hands regularly
Bedford Borough Liberal Democrat Councillor Tim Hill has been shielding at home through the pandemic. Commenting, he said: "It is absolutely crucial that men follow the guidance to look after themselves and their loved ones. In my case, that means shielding at home, which brings its own range of challenges. This is a difficult time for everyone, but there is support and advice out there for how to cope mentally and physically with the new challenges we are all facing.'
"I would urge men to look at the support available and to look after themselves during this period. That includes seeking treatment to get the help you need, whether coronavirus-related or not. The NHS is there for people who need help, and delaying treatment you need can cause longer-term problems."
Coronavirus infection levels remain high in Bedford Borough, and the Council is asking everyone to continue to stay at home and stay safe wherever possible. You can find the latest information and guidance from Bedford Borough Council on its website at
You can also find more information and resources on Men's Health Week 2020 and taking action on Covid-19 at