Mill Meadows Bandstand Concerts are back this Summer

Free bandstand concerts are coming back to Mill Meadows on the Embankment this summer.
This 2019 concert series at the Victorian Bandstand is being kindly sponsored by The Longholme, who will be providing seasonal catering and refreshments at each event.
Commenting, Mayor Dave Hodgson said "These bandstand concerts are sure to create a wonderful atmosphere down at Bedford's beautiful Embankment. Our thanks go to this year's sponsors, The Longholme, and to all the bands playing at this summer series. Come along, bring the family, and enjoy these fantastic free concerts."
A number of different groups will perform these traditional bandstand music concerts, on the following dates:
Sunday 14th July- Salvation Army Band
Sunday 21st July- The Hitchin Band
Sunday 28th July- May Blossom Vintage Songbird
Sunday 4th August- The Mainline Big Band
Sunday 18th August- Bedford Saxophone Workshop
Sunday 25th August- Bedford Town Band
Each concert is from 3pm-5pm, and is completely free to attend.