Mobile Library Service Cuts
The proposed cuts to the Mobile Service, due to come in on 31st October have been released this week for a brief public consultation.
County Councillor Susan Gaszczak said, "When this was discussed at a recent County Council Executive meeting the Conservative Portfolio Holder for Cultural Services told Councillors that the proposed changes would affect 12 small villages. The paperwork supporting her claim have been released this week.
"After reviewing the documentation, I was shocked. We had been told that services would be subject to minor changes as the council had to introduce Book Start, a central government initiative. Seeing the actual plans I've been shocked. Deleting 77 stops and changing 36 stops to fortnightly rather than weekly aren't small changes in my book.'
The proposal also contains a suggestion that 94 current Mobile Library services become 'Library Link' services - a service currently serving residential homes and sheltered accommodation.
As the proposal stands, over half the service will change significantly and many other current stops will change their scheduled time and length of stop. A quarter of the service will change to either fortnightly or to the reduced 'Library Link' service and a quarter of the service will be lost altogether. Some villages, including Cople and Great Barford, will lose services in roads where there are high numbers of senior citizens who are a considerable walking distance from the next nearest stop. Even worse, villages such as Northill will lose the service entirely.
Councillor Gaszczak further commented that 'Library users need to speak out if they oppose these changes. The consultation period allowed by the Tory-run council is disgracefully short as the changes will be in place by the end of October. I would urge those concerned to send their objections to Barry George at County Hall."