More events at The Higgins

The Higgins will see a new exhibition and a speical event next month.
From 9th Febrarury British artist and designer Edward Bawden's work (1903-1989) is the focus of the new 'Home and Abroad' exhibition. This exhibition focuses on how Bawden's immediate surroundings and overseas travels influenced his art.
Bawden often chose home subjects which included the villages, churches and country lanes of his native rural Essex. London, where Bawden spent much of his working life, was another inspiration. He celebrated its landmarks and monuments, its parks and gardens, and its bridges and stations. Liverpool Street Station was the subject of one of his earliest copper engravings, and it re-appears in Bawden's monumental Liverpool Street Station linocut (1960), with its intricate wrought iron ceiling which in his view was 'one of the wonders of London'. Bawden embarked on his first trip abroad to Italy aged 22, an experience which he recalled, 'gave me the biggest shock of my life'. He returned there during the Second World War, while serving as an Official War Artist, a role which also took him to many parts of Africa and the Middle East. Bawden's wartime observations and experiences influenced his artistic style and technique. It gave him a new visual repertoire, which he continued to use in his post-war work and left him with a taste for adventure, which meant many more trips abroad. While teaching in Canada (1949-50), log cabins, coniferous forests and jagged mountain tops also featured in Bawden's work. A 1962 Portugal visit resulted in 'Edward Bawden In Portugal', a lithograph series of Portuguese towns which were printed in Motif magazine. Bawden used few colours and a mixture of collage, linocut and drawing to create these stunning and original compositions.
Liberal Democrat Councillor Sarah Gallagher, Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture said "Edward Bawden donated the contents of his studio to the Cecil Higgins Art Gallery during the 1980s. This exhibition in the heart of the town centre is a great opportunity to see and experience his work, and is completely free to visit."
February also marks the beginning of LGBT History Month and the theme this year is Peace, Reconciliation and Activism. As part of LGBT History Month, The Higgins Bedford is very excited to be a hub venue for the OUTing the Past Festival for the second year running. On Saturday 16th February from 11am till 4pm at The Higgins Bedford there will be stall holders with information on LGBT History, as well as LGBT rights, support and activism. Confirmed stalls include Schools Out UK, Q Youth Bedford and the Terrence Higgins Trust.
At 11.30am Stuart Milk, co-founder of the Harvey Milk Foundation, veteran campaigner and LGBT human rights activist will speak about his work and continuing the work of his uncle. In 2009, Stuart successfully led the campaign for the establishment of the now annual Harvey Milk Day state holiday in California, and he accepted the highest civilian honour in the US, the Medal of Freedom, on behalf of his uncle from President Obama. Stuart Milk has worked alongside hundreds of youth and grass roots activists. The day continues with a dynamic range of speakers, with talks on the hidden histories of Victorian activists, the history of sex education in the UK, trans-rights activism and finally the mythology of mermaids. Lunch will also be provided.
Councillor Sarah Gallagher said "For the second year in row, The Higgins Bedford is a hub venue for the OUTing the Past Festival. The nationwide festival is going to towns and cities across the UK and Ireland, and we are delighted that it is returning to our local museum and art gallery." OUTing The Past Festival is free to attend. Spaces are limited and will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis. Booking via or on 01234 718618. Further programme details are available at