More Fantastic Work with Mayor's Climate Change Fund

Earlier this year Stevington Village Hall submitted an application to Bedford Borough Council for funding under the Mayor's Climate Change grant scheme. Under the scheme, community projects that would reduce carbon emissions within Bedford Borough were awarded a grant which would award projects up to 50% match-funding of between £5k and £20k for improvements.
Funding was granted to Stevington Hall to reduce the hall's emissions and running costs by replacing the boilers and removing the electric showers, water heaters and electrical heating appliances. The single-glazed windows and doors were also replaced with double-glazed UPVC equivalents; reducing heat loss and meaning fewer draughts and cold spots. Both changing rooms at the Village Hall now also have radiator central heating and improved showers.
Mayor Dave Hodgson said "it is wonderful to see how the Climate Change funding has been used to reduce the costs of heating the village hall. The new boiler and double glazing will lower the energy costs associated with running the building; allowing the money saved to be used to run even more activities for the local community".
Since the fund was launched in early 2010, the Climate Change Fund has allocated funding to 38 projects, across a wide range of community buildings and local facilities within the Borough, saving energy and cutting carbon emissions. So far £347,516.93 (or nearly £350,000) has been allocated since 2010 to Climate Change Fund projects.